Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Favorite Music"

Good Morning and a happy, healthy Tuesday.
My youngest daughter recently said " Dad the music you like sounds like the stuff they play in elevators." I disagree of course, but one man's music is , I guess another man's noise. When did jazz become canned music for elevators? If it has....., then that's the elevator for me. Our friends from the twinkling stars found a good one it looks like....and a side of cartoons..Robbay


myonlyphoto said...

Ha, ha that's funny. Since when you get jazz in the elevators, we lucky if we get any musical sound except the crazy elevator noise ready to break, lol. I like jazz. Anna :)

DigitalShutterMania said...

Haha. I love your sense of humor : )

Anonymous said...

Another Jazz lover which is great. I'm with you Toon Man!